Car accidents happen every single day for a variety of reasons. And while everyone’s unique circumstances can vary, more often than not these accidents come down to the same factors. By understanding these factors, we can do our part to reduce the risk of them happening to us, and ultimately increase our safety and others on the road.
Here are some of the most common causes of car accidents, and what you can do to reduce your chances of getting in a car accident.
Vision Impairment
Sometimes regardless of how good of a driver we think we are, our eyes may not agree with us. Lack of visibility is a huge concern when it comes to drivers on the road. Strained visibility can be caused for a wide variety of reasons. Whether it’s the kind of car we’re driving, obstructions in our windows, or that we’re over a certain age, and our eyesight is failing us, vision impairment is a serious concern.
This is why you should always look before changing lanes, or going in reverse—even if it seems like no one is there. Always look around you and remember— if you can’t see them, then they can’t see you. So never assume that another driver is aware of you unless you make direct eye contact.
Distracted Driving
Nowadays, there are more distractions than ever for drivers on the road. From smartphones, to Bluetooth devices, to passengers chatting with us as we drive, there are all sorts of things that can take our attention away from the road. It’s important that you stay totally focused on driving rather than giving into temptation to attend to whatever else is distracting you.
Cell phones aren’t entirely to blame, either. Even something as simple as changing the song on the radio can take your attention away from the phone long enough to cause a serious accident.
Remember, distracted driving doesn’t only affect you. You can seriously injure someone else, and even cause death by engaging in distracted driving, so always stay aware behind the wheel.
Some people are in such a hurry, that they’re willing to put their own lives in danger and those of others on the road. Speeding is a top concern for drivers, as it is up on the top three causes for vehicle collisions. To avoid speeding, it’s important that you always pay attention to the limits, and that you leave early enough that you aren’t rushed and trying to beat the clock. Above all, remember, regardless of how important you think it is to arrive at your destination on time, nothing is worth risking the life of you or another driver. Take your time, and always follow the speed limit.
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