Your website is the most important part of your online marketing campaign. An excellent website shows customers that you’re a reputable, trustworthy business. Superb web design also lets your content shine so visitors know exactly what to expect from your business.
So, how often should you redesign your website? The average company should update its website every 2 or 3 years.
Keep reading for 5 signs you need a website revamp A.S.A.P.!
1. Audience Changes
If your target customer changes, it also may be time to try a new approach to your web marketing. You may want to update the wording and organization of your website to appeal to your new audience.
Hire a website design company to help design a site that appeals to your target audience. These industry pros know the latest trends and can help you key into your desired demographic.
2. User Complaints
If users are complaining that your site is difficult to use, then an upgrade is long overdue. Who knows how many sales you lost because frustrated visitors went to another page?
Your site needs to be appealing to users or you will lose customers and conversions. People don’t have the patience for clunky design. They expect a streamlined experience!
Also, work with your web developer to immediately address user issues as they arise.
3. Outdated Appearance
Your website is one of your most important marketing features. An outdated site makes your company look outdated, and it hurts your reputation. People may even wonder if your business is still operating!
You need to keep your site up with the times. Make sure to regularly appraise your design and update according to design trends. If it’s been longer than three years, your site needs an update!
4. Slow Loading Times
People don’t have the patience for slow web pages. In fact, most people will leave a page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
Keep your site simple. Cluttered pages are unappealing and they slow down your website’s load time. The more content on your page, the longer it takes all of it to load.
You also need to make sure your site is optimized for mobile use. 50% of web traffic comes from mobile devices. If your website isn’t designed to accommodate mobile users, you will lose half your visitors!
5. Site Isn’t SEO Friendly
If you want people to find your business, you need it to rank on search engine result pages. SEO optimized web design helps your site appear higher in search engine rankings, which gets you more traffic.
Make sure you’re keeping abreast of the latest updates in SEO best practices and regularly updating your website to reflect new trends.
Invest in a Website Revamp Today!
Your website is one of the most important parts of your company’s advertising. You need to make sure your business is properly marketing with excellent web design.
If your website feels a bit dated, it may be time to freshen up your page. A website revamp doesn’t have to cost a lot to make a big impact on your business.
Check out our other articles on web development and update your site today!
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