Research suggests that window displays can boost sales by 540%. Your business can’t afford to miss out on getting such a gigantic return.
Read on for the ultimate guide to creating store window displays that lead to sales.
Target Your Target Customer
Before you even begin thinking about your store window display, make sure you have a good grasp of who you are marketing to.
Even if your window display is compelling and engaging, if it doesn’t attract your target audience, it’s actually irrelevant.
Your shop window display must be relatable to your target audience. Once you have your target audience clearly in mind, you can then begin brainstorming ideas for your window display.
Start on Paper
There are a few free advertising methods left in our day. But your store window is one of them.
Before you spend considerable amounts of time and money on your display window, start with paper and a pen.
First, you want to come up with a story to tell. Be original and stay away from broad themes.
So if it’s Saint Patrick’s day soon, don’t just stick green things in your store window and call it a day. Think about a story you can tell that relates to the holiday.
Start with the theme and then build out from there with additional elements and props.
For example, if you are a houseware store, you might play on the Halloween theme of witches and create a display that emphasizes the right broom for all.
Remember, your store window can’t just be pretty, it has to attract customers to come inside your store. And it has to stay on brand. Consider these things when you are planning your window display.
Find the Focal Point
Now it’s time for some recon work. Head outside and take a good, long look at your window display.
Figure out exactly where eye level is. This spot is where you should put what you want your customers to focus on.
This is where your center line will be if you decide to stack or hang items from the ceiling.
Make an X with some tape on the outside of the window. Then go inside and make that X again on the inside.
Your center point should be large enough that a passerby can easily see it from the opposite sidewalk.
Now that you have your focal point, you can start to think about what will go there.
One of your best-selling items is a good option. Then figure out how you will arrange the other items around the focal point.
You can set up a shelved pyramid, use blocks or hang items. You might need to consider several options before finding the right one for your store window.
Surprise Your Audience
Studies have confirmed that humans now have a shorter attention span than goldfish. Ouch! That is a painful fact.
That means that in this competitive landscape, you can’t afford to be bland and predictable.
You need to evoke emotion in your audience. Choose bold shapes, props, and colors. Yet, make sure these line up with your brand.
Think outside the box for unique and catchy inspiration. Flowers for spring are so overdone. But setting up a farmer’s market with mannequins shopping at little wooden stalls full of fresh produce and flowers is so much fuller.
Instead of a Christmas tree with some presents, why not recreate a scene from The Nutcracker? Don’t forget to use Pinterest for business to help you.
Big, Bold Type
Generally, less is more when it comes to wording in your store windows. But whatever message you need to communicate should be done in big, bold type.
Contrasting type and background colors can help your message pop out.
Remember, people don’t really read, they skim. So keep it short and sweet.
Incorporate Lighting
Store window displays without lighting are ineffective after dusk. Even if you don’t have a huge budget for your window display, don’t neglect proper lighting.
Lighting will draw attention to your display. It can be used to focus your audience’s attention to one particular focal point in your window.
The right light can make onlookers stop and pay attention. It can help create a dramatic setting.
And lighting can enhance the mood and emotion you are hoping to create in your shop window display.
Show Off the Lifestyle
One of the main aims of your store window display is to show people the type of lifestyle they can lead if they shop at your store.
That’s why creating lifestyle scenes is vital. You want to create a store window display that makes people see what their life can be like with your help. You want them to picture themselves stepping into your display and taking on that life for themselves.
If you sell home decor or furniture, you can depict an entire room or even several rooms. This can help your audience visualize what your products can do for their space.
Update Your Window Displays Often
The final tip for designing successful window displays is to update them often. You want to highlight fresh and new ideas as frequently as you can.
Ideally, you will rotate your shop window displays every few weeks. Or at a minimum every two months.
Remember, the more you change your window displays, the more people will look at your store.
Bottom Line
Thanks for reading. We hope this guide on window displays helps you create engaging and compelling displays.
Before you go, check out the rest of our business section to get ideas and tips to make sure your business succeeds!
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