While gas prices have remained fairly low for several months, there is always the possibility of an increase. Therefore, it makes sense to get the best gas mileage from your vehicle. There’s no point in throwing your hard-earned money away. In general, getting optimal miles per gallon depends upon maintaining your vehicle in good condition.
It is important to replace your catalytic converter if this component is showing signs of failing. This usually happens after 80,000 to 100,000 miles, though units can easily last longer than that. You should also use the grade of oil recommended, replace old and dirty spark plugs and change the air filter regularly. When it comes to your tires, you should make sure they are aligned properly, that they have an adequate amount of tread and that they are properly inflated.
Your driving habits also have an impact on the MPG you get. Moderate driving speeds with smart stopping and starting will improve gas mileage. There is no need to idle for more than a minute when starting your vehicle, and you can reduce the miles you drive by planning your errands accordingly. Using cruise control and maintaining steady speeds on the highway also will help.
What Is Good Gas Mileage?
The smaller vehicle you drive and the smaller engine it has will give you the best gas mileage. Your MPG will go down with bigger, heavier vehicles, if you are towing gear behind you and if you have stuff on your car or truck such as kayaks or bikes. While no one number defines good gas mileage, certain vehicle categories should deliver the expected levels of fuel economy:
- Small cars (30 to 40 MPG on the highway)
- SUVs and trucks (18 to 25 MPG)
- Larger SUVs and trucks (15 to 25 MPG)
- Hybrids (40 to 80 MPG)
This is just a general overview, as some vehicles in these categories will exceed the numbers shown here. Of course, the age of the vehicle and how well you drive and maintain your car will also determine your MPG.
Improving your gas mileage sometimes comes with a significant price tag. For example, a new catalytic converter price with professional installation begins at around $950 and could go up to $2,500 depending on several factors. However, this repair is an absolute necessity if the unit is failing.
Ways To Determine a Vehicle’s Gas Mileage
In newer models, your vehicle’s display computer will calculate gas mileage for you. This is much easier than the old way of keeping track of the gas you put in the tank and the miles you drove and then dividing the number of miles driven by the gallons used.
A well-maintained car or truck is the best way to get the most out of your vehicle, whether you are looking to optimize gas mileage or maximize performance. The VIN lookup tool allows you to match new parts with the year, make and model vehicle of your ride.
Now is the time to find the best parts at the best prices to upgrade your vehicle. Shop online or at the store to get the parts you need.
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