The average price to pay for a data breach is $3.86 million. Can your company afford that? Probably not.
Most businesses struggle to even stay afloat, much less have a few million dollars lying around to clean up the aftermath of a data breach. Here are 5 critical data backup strategies to keep your company secure.
1. On-Site Hardware Backup
This is where you back up the information on a hard drive; it’s usually kept in a physical space with easy access. Should you suffer data loss, it’ll be simple to recover what you’ve lost. However, it can be more susceptible to accidents at work, such as fire or water damage.
While this is a good strategy, you should combine it with one or more of the following methods to ensure you have more than one copy of your data for recovery, should one fail.
2. Off-Site Cloud Storage
For off-site cloud storage, you’ll have to hire a third party who will keep your data safe and secure in their cloud infrastructure. The plus side is it’s very affordable and provides some off-site insurance in addition to your on-site methods.
However, do note that if you’re dealing with sensitive data or need to follow regulatory requirements, you might not be able to use this data backup strategy.
3. Backup on Physical Tapes
You can choose to back up your data on physical tapes and store them somewhere off-site so you won’t suffer any loss if something unfortunate happens to your place of business.
The only downside is if that if you suffer from a data breach and you need your backups, it can take some time for you to retrieve them and restore data.
4. Use a Virtual Data Room
Store all of your company data in a secure place with restricted access by using a virtual data room. Not only will you be able to access files from any device with an internet connection, but you’ll also reduce time spent on copying files from place to place as a backup. This is because all information is updated in real-time.
If you’re interested in this, then check out the dataroom provided by They provide a free trial for 14 days.
5. Install Software for Data Backup
This is an easy solution since all you have to do is install the software on your devices and it’ll handle the backup process for you. However, some require that you have a dedicated server for that purpose; this will require more steps in configuring your system.
Implement Data Backup Strategies to Protect Your Business
By having good data backup strategies in place, you’ll be prepared when the worst happens. Your data is a goldmine, so protect it with every measure you can.
By using a combination of data backup strategies, you’ll have the best chances of recovering information should you suffer from any loss. So make sure you invest wisely in protecting your data.
If you’d like more information on running your company, then please check out the business section of our website.
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