If you’re going to school to gain an education that will allow you to get a great job, something that can make this time spent in school even more valuable is to get an internship. While it can be hard to manage your studies in addition to your responsibilities within an internship, the benefits can far outweigh the cost here.
To help you see just how this can be for you, here are three benefits to doing an internship while going to school.
Gain Work Experience
Unfortunately, many entry-level jobs now require some kind of experience in order for you to be qualified for the work. But if you can’t get hired for any job, how are you supposed to gain experience? This is where an internship comes in.
As an intern, you’re not expected to have work experience, but one of the benefits is that you’ll leave your internship with all kinds of experience that you can put on a resume or speak to in an interview. You can learn how to work in the field that you’re going into as well as what it’s like to be a part of a company. And if this experience lines up with a future job that you’re hoping to apply to, your time spent in an internship could be just what propels you on to your future career.
Learn How To Do New Things
In most cases, an internship will give you real-life, hands-on experience that you couldn’t get just by studying in school. So for professions when you really have to know how to do something, this is vital.
Depending on the what kind of internship you’re able to secure for yourself, you could learn all kinds of things, like how to put together a presentation and work with a printer, communicate with clients, run meetings, handle IT issues, manage your time-off, take criticism from your boss, work through coworker disputes, and so much more.
Get A Chance To Network
It’s not just the things that you’ll be doing at an internship that can be valuable to you but the people that you meet during this time can help to give you a leg up as well. Especially if you impress people during your internship time, there’s a chance your internship could turn into a full-time position. And along with this, you can also use your boss or coworkers from your internship as references or connections for later employment opportunities as well.
If you’ve been considering doing an internship but haven’t quite seen the value in this experience for you yet, consider how the benefits mentioned above could help you set yourself on the right career path from a very early stage.
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