Is it essential to spend all that time working on the perfect brand identity? I recently launched a new bamboo range of toothbrushes, and I was stoked at how long it took me to come up with the name Bamboo Mainstreet. While this post is not about my new Eco toothbrushes, I quickly found out that I spent a long time deciding on a suitable name for my product.
There are so many things that you want to consider when looking for a suitable tag for a new product line. At the end of the day, your goal is to arrive at one that is catchy, easy to remember. It also has to resonate with your brand or product, which is why I had to settle on Bamboo Mainstreet after a lengthy search that lasted more than it should. You can use this business naming resource to help you with finding the right one.
Why a Brand Name is Important
The name of your brand or product is essential because it tells a lot about your business or services. It is the first thing that attracts potential customers to your product when they are in the market. While your product packaging will still play a role, the title on the box says a lot about what’s inside.
The success of a product in the market depends mostly on the branding and marketing efforts of the manufacturers. And choosing the right product name is a part of the branding process. For starters, you want one that quickly suggests to a consumer what they should expect when they use your product. And choosing a product label is not as easy as you think. Little wonder many startups with a significant capital decide to go with a branding outfit to take care of all the logistics. But just in case you are a small business, below are some useful tips for finding the right business name.
Usefulness in Sales
One of the successes of marketing campaigns is the ability for customers to relate to the services you are providing quickly. If your business is introducing a new washing detergent, then you want to go with a tag that speaks cleaning. A name like SharpWash or SoClean will be more suitable than PerfectTime or GladTidings. This is not to say that the latter is not a well thought out business name. But when it comes to selling detergents, you will agree that Wash and Clean quickly state what the product is all about.
Over the years, when I started with Facebook Ads campaigns, I quickly learned the importance of saying the right words. And the truth is you don’t need to say much once you have the right product name. It already sells itself from your social media campaigns and web content, and all you need is a strategy to get the desired results you want. A lot of hard work goes into finding one, so you may need all the help you can get. Speak with close friends and relatives, and if you have business partners, you will need to brainstorm together to come up with a suitable brand identity.
Usefulness in Branding
As they say, a good name is better than riches, but when it comes to business, it could be the bedrock of your success. Think of brand names like Starbucks, Disney, and Mercedes Benz, and you will see that they have something in common. They are all leaders in their industry and have names that are catchy and well thought out.
Just like with naming a child, you want your business identity to speak a lot about you, which is why it will be wrong to call your baby girl Delilah or your son Lucifer. You want to choose a name that will help with driving sales once it gets to the market. It will be useful, especially for a startup, and you can find some helpful suggestions here about how to scale a new business.
Final Note
Your business or product name speaks volumes about your brand and what your customers should expect when they use it. So it is crucial to give it a serious thought before concluding a suitable one to go with. Like I said earlier, you can use a naming resource to make things a lot easier for you.
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