Would you believe that 66% of users would choose a beautifully designed website over a plain one, even before finding out what the website has to offer? Even more surprising than that is that 75% of credibility judgment on a website is sorely based on its design.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Unless you have an incredibly designed website, you stand to lose a lot. For this reason, you need to look into the top web design trends of 2020.
Why 2020 trends? What’s wrong with the 2019 trends that you implemented?
Well, you see, trends never last, and this constant movement always leads to innovation and evolution, so you need to keep up. Last year, we were talking about responsive websites, user-friendly UI designs, and fast loading speeds, which all continue to be essential.
This year, however, there are even better web design trends. We’re here to bring you a variety so you can choose what suits you best.
1. Use Dark Mode
The advent of the dark mode feature on smartphones and popular phone applications has blown up as a trend, and you’d be surprised at the number of people that use it. One of the major benefits of dark screens is that it’s easier on the eyes, and given how much screen time people go through daily, the dark mode comes highly appreciated.
Even better, a dark background offers a visually clean and sleek look that gives it an irresistible appeal, especially if you incorporate splashes of a different color on other elements.
It creates a great contrast ratio and gives the website an ultra-modern look. It’ll also work great if you combine it with neon colors or moody color schemes and give it a dystopian or cyberpunk unique look.
2. Immersive 3D Elements
3D visuals are always a delight, and even though this is something technology and costs have held back in the past, it has finally become possible to use on website designs. 3D tech is making a debut and is currently among the hot web design trends 2020, and designers are using roaming designs to make it more creative.
At this point, using realistic 3D is simply the best way to achieve an immersive experience affordably. In time, designers may be able to use virtual reality on web designs as well, but until that becomes cost-effective and mainstream, we have to make do with hyper-realistic 3D tech. 3D is beneficial for both visuals, and user design as it encourages uses to stay on a website longer.
3. White Space and Solid Frames
Can you believe white space is among the web design trends 2020 to watch out for? Well, modern websites are getting more and more minimalistic, which is why purposeful white space may work magic for you. You see, whitespace steers users away from the conventional parallax designs and full-bleed image.
If you go the extra mile and frame your images, you give your website that much-needed pop. The white space doesn’t necessarily have to be white as you can use any other color of your choice as long as you give your website more structure. When you allow all the elements on your website to have generous amounts of space, you make the visuals shine and create a sense of order.
4. Luminous and Glowing Color Schemes
Luminous and glowing color schemes give a website a futuristic look that users cannot resist. This is one of the best current web design trends, and you will do well to take advantage of it. Most of the people who have embraced this 2020 design trend are using courageous color pairings to make their website jump off the screens.
Incorporate highly saturated colors or glow-in-the-dark colors combined with darker and muted backgrounds. You may be able to capture a lot more of your target market and increase your website traffic asap.
5. Floating Elements and Soft Shadows
Floating elements give a website a layered and more interesting look, which may be just what you need. This 2020 web design trend can help you create depth, just like 3D technology, but a little toned down. Soft shadows can also make your website even more interesting and help you get more traffic and eventually more customers.
6. An Ultra Minimalist Navigation Design
Some people are choosing to go fully minimal on the navigation, and this design looks surprisingly good in a modern way. It stands as one of the best web design trends for 2020. In 2020, a lot of people are using video a lot more compared to text, which allows websites to have simple designs and facilitates easier navigation.
The easier it gets, the better for smaller devices, especially mobile phones and smartwatches. Usability is a critical part of your website, and if you can get everyone on board, your traffic will hit the roof.
7. Use Hand-Drawn Graphics and Elements
Hand-drawn elements are an in-thing in 2020 as they bring back that classic old-fashioned look, but with a modern twist. You can use anything from static cartoons to hand-drawn animations and hand-lettered infographics. Once you bring back the warm emotions with these designs, your website could be a hit.
One of the best things about hand-drawn elements is that they show users the people behind the work and in a tech-dominated world, this is always welcome. There are so many more web design trends 2020 that you can use on your website, and you can check out these helpful tips for a lot more.
Implementing the Top Web Design Trends of 2020
Finally, you have some new design trends to look forward to. These web design trends of 2020 will give your website an incredible look that will get you the much-needed traffic.
Of course, there is a lot more to business than just website design, so for amazing business posts and incredible personal growth articles, please check out our blog section today.
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