There are many people who think that a toll-free phone for a business has gone the way of the landline phone and of the dinosaur. Why would any business need a toll-free phone number when most cell phone plans have eliminated the need for a long-distance plan? This is a fair assumption, but there are still many benefits for a business who wants to set up a toll-free conference phone number. Before we get to the reasons why, here is some background information:
Toll-free numbers were originally introduced in the 1950s and 1960s for businesses that had a nationwide influence and didn’t want the burden of long-distance calling. Perhaps surprisingly, over the last quarter century, these special numbers have actually gone up in popularity, and not down. There are still some benefits to having your own toll free customer service hotline. Here are some of the ways that a toll-free conference calling plan can affect your business in a tremendously positive manner:
The Ability to Create Your Own Custom Phone Numbers
Yes, having your own custom, or vanity, phone number is still a thing for many businesses. It is still recognized as a solid marketing tool for not just large businesses, but smaller ones as well. One of the main benefits of a toll-free conference call plan would be that you can choose a number that will make your business stand out because it is recognizable or gives your business a nice little jingle.
There are even some national companies that will make their toll-free phone number the name of their business simply because it will encourage people to continue to patronize them. Additionally, it is much easier to create new regular patrons because the contact information is easier to remember. Simply the fact of having increased name recognition makes having a toll-free custom number a wise investment.
Establish Business Authority
When you are running a business, it is all about respect. One of the best ways to do that would be through a toll-free number because potential customers will soon start to recognize you as an established authority in their minds. Of course, when toll-free numbers were first established, only the large and established businesses could afford them. Originally, these businesses wanted these numbers because they knew it would save their customers a hefty long-distance fee. Even though the proliferation of cell phones means that today most people don’t have to worry about long-distance fees, a custom toll-free number still gives a potential client the feeling that they are dealing with an established business. That is something that is hard to duplicate otherwise.
Great for Other Businesses
Naturally, most individuals use their cell phones for most phone calls. However, the great majority of businesses still utilize landline phones, so they still have to be careful about incurring long-distance fees. Thus, if your business has a TOLL conference dial-in number that isn’t prefaced with either 800, 877, or something similar, then you would be causing the other business to have long-distance charges. So, having a toll-free number is not only good for business, but it is also a great courtesy to the other businesses that you associate with.
Free for All American Callers
Possibly the best thing about a toll-free number would have to be that you can host a conference call and it will be free for all of the participants. Of course, there will often be an associated cost that the host will pay themselves, but for everyone the conference call will be completely free. Additionally, many phone line companies will also give you the option of a dedicated toll-free line or you can simply add a number to any plan. If you have a call bridge, it is a great option for large meetings or large-scale training.
There is no question that acquiring a toll-free number has the possibility to make a world of difference for your business. The only caveat would be that you should go with a toll-free number company that will give you as many options as possible. Ideally, you need one that has a plan in place that will allow you to possibly expand your business internationally as well. However, the beauty of a toll-free conference phone line is that this is easily done as long as you are dealing with the right company. Either way, when you decide to invest in a toll-free phone line it is something that will give you a return many times over.
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