Among many existing social media marketing solutions, new ones are constantly emerging. Social media companies Dubai are familiar with the importance that social media marketing has to every business, and they tend to teach their clients of their importance. Businesses around the world accept that social media marketing plays a vital role in the success of their marketing campaigns.
Relatively new social media platforms, like TikTok, are creating drastic changes in how social media companies Dubai have perceived social media marketing so far. The platform itself serves the same purpose but in a completely different manner. Although there are some skeptics when it comes to TikTok as a powerful social media marketing tool, others beg to differ. Here are several things that all social media marketers should know about TikTok
Being New Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Being Bad
Skeptics surround us, and when it comes to the TikTok platform, many social media marketers still don’t believe TikTok can be a successful tool. Many social media companies Dubai and throughout the UAE believe that TikTok is on the verge of changing what we know about social media marketing. TikTok has reached the UAE’s coastline as well, and it’s being used more and more by each day worldwide.
Social media marketers stand their ground until the platform is proven to be effective in all aspects. The only downside of TikTok might be its simplicity. However, some people see this as a trait rather than a fault. It all comes down to one’s perspective. What marketers need is proof of success, and that’s when they’ll change their perspective, complementing the platform and its usefulness. Here are some thoughts on why TikTok should be considered as an equally important social media marketing tool.
TikTok Has Vast Number of Young-Aged Users Worldwide
Let’s begin with numbers since numbers can tell a lot. The number of TikTok app downloads surpasses the 2 billion mark on both Google Play and App Store. If that’s not enough, its 800 million worldwide users should make a point. Other social media platforms like Facebook have much more active users and are already proven as valuable assets for every SMM campaign.
On the other hand, considering that TikTok is a young app and the pace by which it’s growing, it promises a lot. The world expansion of TikTok users happened in recent years, although the app existed for four years. The Chinese app came in hot, and its popularity is growing ever since, especially among younger users. In case your business’ target audience span is from teenagers to young people up to 25 or 30 years old, you should give TikTok a try.
With TikTok Content Creation Tools, Sky is the Limit
What Makes it So Much Popular is Its Simplicity
TikTok provides its users with only one media type – video clips. There’s no long text posts or images, etc. Video clips are what makes this social media platform different than others and much convenient to use. It’s simple, fast, and it gives users a chance to get creative. Video clips can’t be longer than 60 seconds. Although many clips are usually 10-20 seconds long, there are longer ones. The whole idea of the platform is to provide users with a fun and engaging content. However, the content itself is created by users, not by the platform.
Users are encouraged to film themselves in places they believe are worth sharing, like incredible landscapes, mountain ranges, etc. On the other hand, users came up with the idea of filming prank videos for fun and entertainment of the masses. The content creating possibilities are endless, and they only end where the user’s imagination ends.
The app gives users a chance to record, edit, and create fantastic video clips that look like a professional video editor edited them. Content creation has never been so accessible and fun. That’s why younger generations prefer TikTok over other social media platforms.
TikTok Works in Mysterious Ways
Regular TikTok users are amazed at how the app’s algorithm works. It’s unlike any other algorithm you’ve seen before. There aren’t many necessary elements the user needs to fulfill to reach the “higher ground.” The algorithm itself looks for popular videos, but what makes any video a popular one? Users’ interaction with your video clips. The more interactions like shares, comments, and likes your video gets, the higher rank it’ll have. Many TikTok users have become TikTok celebrities in several days, all thanks to this incredible algorithm.
TikTok’s Algorithm is Different Than Many Others
Still Think TikTok is Not Worth the Effort?
Although TikTok has paid ads options available for most countries in the world, that’s not the only method of using this social media platform as an advertisement opportunity. Influential TikTok users will gladly accept offers for advertising various services and products in exchange for money or goods. In case your target audience is the younger generation, you should consider TikTok as an excellent opportunity to further market your business.
Whether you believe this platform deserves a chance or not, listen to social media companies Dubai and what’s their take on the TikTok platform as the one for starting a social media marketing campaign on. It promises a lot of future success, although there are many successful stories behind it already.
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