John Robert Powers cerated a company way back in 1923 which he wanted to use to transform the industry of talent spotting. For John Robert Powers Chicago was the only choice for him to set up his business, a hotbed of talent and his hometown which he believed could one day rival Hollywood. John was an actor in his own right and after some experiences in the industry which he didn’t like, he decided to take matters into his own hands. This company is still fully operational today and it has produced a huge amount of star talent throughout the years. For any business to stand for over 115 years is impressive and so we have decided to review just how the John Robert Powers company has been able to do just that.
When John Robert Powers first set up this company he wanted things to be done differently, he wanted the talent to be respected and helped and he wanted to ensure that his firm hired only the very best talent. Many businesses fail in putting together ethical cornerstones for their business and as such they can often lose sight of what it is that they are trying to do. In the case of John Robert Powers however he implement the mission statement for the business from the outset, and this code of ethics is still very much respected.
Unfortunately the work of talent scouting can often be mirky and there are many companies out there who sell false dreams and string people along. The John Robert Powers company is very different however and they have gained a reputation for cutting careers short before they have began. On the face of it this may sound quite brutal but the truth is that this is the best way of doing things from both a professional and a moral standpoint. It is far better to tell someone that they do not have what it takes, than to lie to them and spend money on them, when you know that they won’t eventually make it.
Very often young and talented models or actors are left to their own devices once they are hired, something which the John Robert Powers company never does. In fact this company is renowned for how it helps the young talented recruits and how it invests time with them to ensure that they are the best that they can be.
This is also a company which promotes its leaders and scouts from within wherever this is possible. In doing this the company can ensure continuity for its company in terms of the morals and the ethics which it is putting forward, as well as protecting the reputation of the company. This is something which many more businesses should look to implement as it has an untold amount of benefits.
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