As a business owner, there is a good chance you have come to understand just how important your employees are to your company. Having skilled, trained, experienced staff that reflect the company’s goals in a positive way will help drive the business forward, allowing it to grow and be profitable. Finding those key employees can be a challenge though as it can be time-consuming and costly. This is exactly why you want to do your best as an employer to keep staff happy and satisfied, so they feel the urge to stick around and put in their best effort.
Times are changing and what is making employees happy is also changing. Today’s employees are placing a real emphasis on healthy work environments. What this means from an employer standpoint is that in order to stay competitive and keep your top talent, you’ll need to ensure you create a “healthy space”.
Healthy Work Environments are Part of Facilities Management Trends
The push for these healthy work environments is something that facilities managers across the country are seeing. Take a look at this blog post on that discusses the top facilities management trends in 2018 and you’ll see that there is a focus on holistic health and wellness in general. Facilities managers are now finding a way to employ a variety of features and updates into their buildings as an incentive and draw tenants in. As a business owner, you may want to look for space that is operated by a facilities manager who is aware of this trend, and is ensuring the work environment is up to par.
Get Rid of Traditional Office Furniture
If your company is still using the traditional types of office furniture, right down to the cubicles that create tight enclosed spaces, it’s time to embrace a whole new type of workspace. Just by changing up the office furniture and layout of the space, you can create an environment that is better for your employee’s health – both physically and mentally.
Some examples include things such as standing desks, ergonomic furniture, comfortable seating areas for break times or small meetings, and plenty of task lighting.
Stock the Breakroom with Healthy Snacks and Beverages
Vending machines filled with sugary and high-carb snacks and beverages are a common thing to find in office spaces, but in reality, they aren’t doing your employees any favors. Providing them with healthy snacks and beverage options will help to give employees more energy, allow them to focus better, and just be more productive overall. It also shows that you are putting their health and well-being first, which reflect positively on you as an employer.
Make Sure the Air is Clean
Another tip is to ensure healthy air is a top priority. There are plenty of people who suffer from such things as allergies and asthma. Using an air purifier system will ensure that when employees come to work they will be in an environment that won’t exacerbate their health issues, and can, in fact, provide them with relief.
Putting the health and well-being of your employees first will help you to attract and keep the top talent out there.
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