In 2018, Instagram had more than one billion users go on their platform each month.
Instagram is a social media platform that many people use to post pictures and videos.
But with new updates coming, likes may no longer appear to your followers. How will this affect your account?
Scroll down to learn more about Instagram hiding likes and the solution to your concerns.
Instagram Is Hiding Likes from Followers?
The hidden likes test on Instagram has already begun rolling out to users all over the United States. They announced this change 6 months ago with a test.
Other countries that have hidden Instagram likes are Canada, Australia, Italy, Japan, and Ireland. Many other countries have implemented this and more are continuing to join.
Many people in the US are concerned about how this will affect their business and social media accounts that they make a living off of. Instagram’s CEO has shared that the reason for going like-less is to become one of the safest places on the internet.
Generation Z has been an inspiration to make the internet and world a safer place. Instagram wants to help everyone’s mental health benefit. Getting rid of likes will help take off pressure from peers and bring people together.
Connections and community can become more of a priority when likes are hidden.
The Solution to Instagram Hiding Likes
Although it may seem like we have lost likes altogether, we have not.
The likes will be hidden from followers. Users can still view how many people like their posts and who. Underneath your pictures, you can select the “others” button to review who loved your posts.
Another ability that you will still have is seeing who liked photos and videos. It won’t show a total count, however, to maintain a safe zone.
Check out this website in the meantime if you want to continue growing your likes!
How Are People Reacting?
You may be wondering how Instagram influencers and celebrities are reacting to this change.
Many celebrities are excited about Instagram hiding likes and have even been talking about their support on social media. This is a great influence for everyone to help make the internet a safer place.
Kim Kardashian and CardiB are two popular celebrities that have come out in support.
Once you no longer have access to the viewing likes, a banner on your home feed should appear explaining why.
Overall influencers, celebrities, and everyday users are happy about this change. They all believe that mental health is more important than getting likes.
One Step Closer
Instagram hiding likes makes us one step closer to getting the internet and world to be safer.
Depression and anxiety come with social media and many people don’t feel they get enough recognition. Getting rid of likes on Instagram has been done in other countries and doesn’t seem to be negatively affecting their businesses.
So what is your opinion? Do you think that hiding likes will help mental health and not harm the business?
Be sure to check out our blog for more articles on Instagram updates and news that could affect your business!
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