Companies spend billions of dollars on ads each year to get people to buy their products. Some companies opt for traditional advertising methods, while others operate at the forefront of trends in digital marketing.
If your company isn’t keeping up with the latest in digital marketing, you will miss out on opportunities to get in front of your target market. Digital marketing is one of the easiest ways to hyper-target the people you want to talk to.
Continue reading this article as we talk about digital marketing trends for 2020.
1. Personalization
Companies are able to personalize experiences like never before. Data collection and advanced technology allow companies to hyper-target their ads, emails, and just about anything else they send to customers.
Personalization isn’t optional anymore. Customers expect companies to tailor marketing messages to their needs. Getting ads that are irrelevant isn’t acceptable, and those ads go straight to the trash.
Part of personalization is understanding and forming a relationship with the individual customer. Showing them your company understanding them and their needs and not just trying to sell them something will play a big part in the results you get with your marketing efforts.
If you think personalization is all about changing people’s names in email subject lines — think again. While personalizing with people’s names is a good start, you need to dig deeper.
2. Customer Experience Is Key
One of the hot topics everyone is talking about is customer experience. Marketers used to believe marketing was about getting the word out about their product or services. Now marketers are beginning to see that it’s all about letting the customer know how they can solve their problem.
Focusing on the customer and giving them the best experience is what modern marketing looks like.
Companies like The Best Media understand how to put customer experience at the forefront. They understand that customers make buying decisions with customer experience in mind.
Gone are the days when you had to deal with bad customer service to get the product or service you want. Online review sites, forums, social media, and other resources make it near impossible for businesses to fail in any area without customers knowing about it.
Some of the things that make a good customer experience, or CX, are as follows:
- Convenience
- Ease of use
- Intuitiveness
- Communication
You’ll notice other things your customers ask for. Pay attention to these things, and you’ll be able to continually improve your customer’s experience.
3. Featured Snippets
We’ve been working with search engine optimization for a long time, but one of the biggest changes we’ve seen in the SERPs is featured snippets. Ranking for position zero is the talk of the town. How do you rank for featured snippets, and do you want to?
Some marketers are worried that featured snippets are going to hurt their content marketing efforts. If the customer’s question is already answered in the search engines, why would they click through?
While there are different schools of thought around this topic, many people believe featured snippets are a good thing. Even if people’s questions are answered visibly in the search, many people want a more in-depth explanation of the topic.
Creating content to show up in the featured snippets is pretty simple. When creating your content, think of the question people are trying to answer. Write out the question in your content and quickly answer it in a couple of sentences.
Once you’ve answered the question in the content, write out an explanation of your answer, use carse studies, use visuals, and any other aids you have. The more in-depth your information, the better it will perform, but don’t forget to answer the question quickly after typing out the question in your content.
4. Voice Search
We all love using our voice search to get quick results when we need to be hands-free. Alexa, how long does it take to cook a pot roast?
We can ask our devices anything, and they will return results, and this means of searching is becoming more prominent.
What does the rise in voice search mean for you and your marketing efforts? The rise of voice search means you’ll need to optimize for conversational searches. Instead of a string of keywords, people are searching using full questions and sentences.
If you’ve only optimized for keywords and not for conversational queries — you need to start now. As voice searches grow, websites that are optimized for conversational queries will make their way to the top of the search engines.
5. Live Video
People love live video, and more companies are figuring out ways to use live video to get people’s attention. People spend 3 times longer watching videos that are live vs. videos that are no longer live. Even if the video was live, they won’t watch it as long if it isn’t live anymore.
People like being able to influence the content they watch vs. just watching what happened in the past. Try scheduling live events for even short videos you make and see who you can get to engage with your content to build a deeper connection with them.
Trends in Digital Marketing for the Win
Now you know more about the latest trends in digital marketing. You likely see some trends you’d like to hop on and take advantage of to help boost your business.
Do you feel you need more help with digital marketing and learning about important tactics in this area? Our site has many articles related to digital marketing to help you take your business to the next level.
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