Contrary to popular opinion, securing a job and reporting to work daily is no longer fashionable if one does not get to realize their full potential, post the greatest results and get the satisfaction that comes with optimum productivity. Hence, understanding the nitty-gritty of productivity becomes necessary for both the employer and the employee. For any employer, tracking the level of productivity of their employees is integral in the running of an organization. Yes, it does translate to profits! Well, let’s look at some of the ways you can improve employee productivity in the workplace.
Tips that could help improve the employee’s productivity
Motivate and Recognize efforts
Everyone needs a reaffirmation that they are valued, and they mean quite something with what they do. Recognizing hard-working employees for the achievements they have made makes a whole lot of difference. Any employer who is keen at getting the best out of their employees will not find it unusual giving a gift voucher, or paying for a trip or adding on the salary of their employees. It is the small gestures that count in firing up employees to work for the business more.
Staying the Course with Realistic Goals
As an employer, you should be keen at setting measurable and realistic goals, as the first step into increasing productivity. However, the greater and more necessary task is to ensure that the goals are tracked to see their achievability. It is by so doing that both you can tell if they are in line with achieving the goals.
Embrace Teamwork
The old adage goes, “if you want to walk fast, walk alone; and if you want to walk far, walk together.” Teamwork ensures that each employee focuses on their strengths and the areas they are best in and therefore, their productivity goes higher.
Allow for fun-time
Letting the employees have fun at the workplace may sound unnecessary but it can improve productivity! You should also do some team building events with activities with some cool events like the escape room. This allows them to mingle freely, break the boardroom and work monotony as they get to improve on their interpersonal skills. This, together with decluttering, help the employees get an informal opportunity to discuss their successes and what is pulling them down. It is through such talks that they can get to learn from each other. So yes, let there be play after work so Jack may not be a dull boy!
Enable room for feedback
Often, employers fail to understand that making and implementing policy, setting guidelines and supervising work are not entirely the steps to ensuring great output. Instead, offering the employees a room to give honest feedback, generate ideas, and also give opinion is what suffices the journey to optimum productivity.
Improving and maximizing on the employees productivity is a collective responsibility for both the employer and the employee. That said, the greater responsibility lies with the employer. If you are an employer, then ensure that you innovate around ideas that make your employees work hard and play harder!
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