Every Canadian driver must have car insurance because it is mandatory. Failing to buy it or renew it on time can get you on the wrong side of the law. It is the last thing any driver wants to encounter. Paying for insurance is a better option as it safeguards you from legal trouble and provides coverage in the event of a mishap. The good thing is that you can lower your insurance bill by comparing policies and providers before finalizing them. You can even save with good driving habits because insurers check your on-road history to assess the possibility of a claim and calculate your insurance premium. Here are some ways to pay less with safe driving.
Obey the traffic rules
This one is a no-brainer because you have no other option when it comes to staying safe on the road. You must know the traffic rules and stick with them without fail. Follow the speed limits, traffic lights, and road signs to avoid paying a ticket and lower the risk of an accident. The best part is that a clean record sets you up for a lower insurance bill the next time you go policy shopping.
Keep a safe distance
Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle ahead is another effective measure to avert mishaps and economize car insurance. Steer clear of tailgating even if you are angry at the driver in front or cannot estimate a safe distance. As a rule, you should see the tires and bottom of the vehicle ahead. You must keep extra room during wet or snowy weather because you need more time to brake and slow down.
Test your lights and tires
The condition of your vehicle determines the risk of accidents. For example, the probability is higher if your headlights are out of order and tires are worn out. Test these parts often and invest in repair or replacement when required. You may Get a Calgary Car Insurance quote today if you live in Calgary. But remember that you may have to pay a lot less with a clean driving record, and it boils down to good maintenance of your vehicle. Be proactive with these measures to save big money over the years.
Go hands-free
Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of road mishaps in Canada. The best way to lower your risk and insurance bills are by going hands-free while driving. Commit to staying off your cell phone on the road, or pull over if you have to make or answer an urgent call. You can avoid accidents and parking tickets by embracing this habit, and in both ways, you can lower your insurance cost.
Drive defensively
Defensive driving means assuming that you are always at risk. The mindset can save you from a lot of trouble as you drive more cautiously and do your best to stay safe from accidents. It entails keeping your eyes on the road, using your mirrors, checking your blind spots, and being ready for the negligence of other drivers. The more conscious you are, the lower the risk and lesser your insurance bills eventually.
Insurance companies go the extra mile to check the driving records of policy buyers. You must do your best to keep them spotlessly clean to reduce your bills in the long run.
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