Keeping track of your expenses on property maintenance and repairs is as important as managing your personal finances. If left unattended, the damages could be devastating and mount up to huge financial losses in the long run.
Although expenses for maintenance and repairs cannot be completely avoided, there are ways to minimize them. And luckily, we’ve curated a list of such ways.
Using the following tips, you can not only save but can also increase your returns on investment. So, without any further ado, let’s move on.
- Cleaning Your House Daily
Surprisingly the daily regime of cleaning your house is one of the most economical and effective ways to avoid unnecessary repairs. Cleaning and mopping the floor can keep it shiny and avoid staining. Likewise, daily dusting can avoid the accumulation of disease-causing bacteria and fungus. In fact, in a much similar way to daily bathing that keeps you fresh and healthy, daily cleaning and mopping of your property helps keep it fresh and healthy. And most importantly, this daily regime can help avoid major repair costs, along with saving you on medical bills. After all, an untidy home is the breeding ground for diseases.
- Installing Plants In Your Rooms
Well, this little hack can save you unimaginable amounts of money. Plants are natural climate controllers. They provide clean air for breathing and cools down the ambient temperature by perspirations. Installing plants in your rooms, kitchen, and wherever you seem fitting can save you energy bills from air conditioning and air purifiers. Moreover, plants can infuse fresh energy which is incredibly effective in keeping you active all day long.
- Replacing Energy-Efficient Fixtures
If you still use old lights and appliances, it’s time you should explore more energy-efficient options. It needs no saying that older electronic fixtures are not so energy-friendly, and your utility bills are proof of that. On the contrary, modern appliances and fixtures can offer up to 90% energy savings, in comparison to their older counterparts. It would not only save energy but also save you from bank-breaking utility costs.
- Renting Out Your Property
Coming to one of the trendiest ways to save on maintenance costs- house hacking is the latest buzz in town. In fact, this money-efficient maintenance trick is a lot more than what it seems. For starters, this is one of the only methods that can also earn you some extra income. All you need to do is rent out a portion, or a separate unit of your house. The tenants will be responsible for taking care of their portion of the occupancy, while you also earn from the rent they pay. Perhaps, you should read more about house hacking. You’ll be surprised that it can benefit you in many ways, other than just reducing your maintenance costs.
- Regular Inspection For Molds And Mites
One of the biggest problems with any house is molding and mite infestation. There could be several reasons for the infestation, from water leakage to rotten wood, and so on. But, as long as you can keep an eye on any signs of it, you can rest assured that you’ll not have to break into your bank. Both of these problems, if made their way into a home, are not easy to treat. In fact, experts opine that treating molds and mites could cost up to $1000 per session. And it requires around 2 to 3 sessions on average, depending on the extent of the damage.
- Minimizing The Plumbing Needs
As said, water leakage could be cause for molding and mite infestations. It is better to minimize water plumbing in your home as much as possible. This might sound a bit alarming, but you can opt for alternatives such as installing tanks for fresh and greywater. They are easy to remove and clean, which also eliminates the possibility of leakage. In fact, if you could store your water, you would no longer need to run pipes through walls and floors, for plumbing, which could further reduce the dangers of water leakage from rusty and broken pipes.
- Clearing Off The Clutter
Lastly, an important part of your property maintenance should be decluttering it. In simple words, whatever is unnecessary should either be dumped or donated. For instance, if you no longer use your old chair, you can either donate it to a thrift store or gift it to a friend. Unnecessary items only create more chances of accidents and damage to your home.
On this note, it would be sufficient to say that maintaining a property is crucial, but easy and simple ways to do so are more effective in the long run. And can save you a lot of money.
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