There has been a lot of debate about the Bible. It’s a topic that has been debated for the past two thousand years, and the talk about it will not stop in the following centuries too. When you take a look at Western civilization, our society is built on the moral ground that was written in the Bible.
Everyone can debate whether the stories are true or not, but when you objectively look at the world, most of the progress we’ve seen can be directly attributed to the moral lessons in this book. The best way to think about the stories in the Old and New Testament is like myths that hold subjective truths in them. Click here to read more.
Here’s what is meant by that. There is a difference between an objective and subjective truth. Objectively speaking, we can all agree that two plus two equals four. That’s true in every culture, and it’s embedded in science. However, not everything in the world can be attributed to facts.
Facts have their meanings when we attribute them to them. For example, sunset is beautiful for every human being. There’s something mesmerizing about that natural occurrence, and yet there’s no fact that says it should be beautiful.
The same thing could be said about the works of Shakespeare, and the same thing holds true about the Bible. The lessons we get from those stories are compelling and strong, and as soon as you hear about them once, you will remember them for the rest of your life.
There’s something archetypal that’s flowing through those words, and it’s a pleasure to know about them. There’s an unending inspiration that can be taken from the book, and it’s up to us to transfer that knowledge to our children. Follow this link for more info‘strange-new-world-within-bible’
How to teach these lessons to kids?
Children want to play, and that’s why we as adults need to think of teaching as a game. When you gamify a lesson, it’s more likely that kids would want to play and act it out again and again. You shouldn’t approach Bible lessons as strict schoolwork.
Instead, it needs to be fun where kids can happily spend their time. Let’s start right at the beginning. A lot of people don’t start reading the Bible right at the start, but it’s a nice way to set an example. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and then he shone light upon his creation.
After he did that, he realized that light was good, and darkness was not. You would be surprised at how quickly kids can recognize good from evil. There is an innate sense of fairness that’s embedded in each and every one of us, and kids can see that at the time they’re two and a half years old.
The story of Jesus Christ is an archetypal one. It’s been transformed so many times, and we want to see it every time it’s presented to us. It’s the most beautiful hero’s journey that our species has ever come up with. Plus, there are many works of art that celebrate it.
A few of the best examples are The Lord Of The Rings, and Narnia, two of the best movie series of all time. Kids like watching movies and videos, and this is one of the best ways to get them into religion. When you look at The Lord of the Rings trilogy, you might notice that Gandalf turns from grey to white.
He dies once so he can be reborn again. This is a great reference to the resurrection of Jesus. You might think that movies are not that closely related to the true sense of religion, but that’s not true. The kids will realize that the same story is told again and again, and they will realize that the true way is the path of Christ the Savior.
Also, try to recreate some of the most famous situations that happened in the Bible, and see how the kids will perform. Try telling them about the story of Cain and Abel, and see whether they see who is the bad guy and who is the good guy.
It’s best to start a conversation about it and see how they think that morality will work. Because we live in a society that’s based on a religious pillar, you will see that their thinking will match the words of Jesus. If that’s not the case, you can try explaining the topics a bit deeper.
There are great Bible teaching materials for children from Worship Woodworks which could help a lot in the classes too. The toughest lessons will always be the ones about morality and how to differentiate the good from the bad. However, you would be surprised at how many kids have pure hearts and want to help out people in need. That’s because we’re born with goodness, and we want to give a hand to people that need it.
Why should everyone read this book?
Everything you read changes you. The types of books you read shape you into the person that you are. When you think about it, daily readings of the Bible will keep you on the right track in life. Literally, every situation in our lives can be explained with a quote from it, and it’s a universal way to explain the human experience.
This is the only way in which you can connect with God and see why he unveiled himself to his creations. When you understand the character of God, only then will you be able to emulate him in your personality. We’re his creations, and you should learn from the mistakes of the individuals that lived before you so you do not make the same mistakes.
Jesus died for our sins, and that’s why we must try to repent by being complete in our souls and living our lives as devout Christians. Try reading at least ten pages a day and see how much you change over the course of a year.
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