Let me start by telling you that this is not one of those articles which promote Paleo, Chrono, Low-Carb, Atkins, Vegan or any other diet. I believe that any diet which forces its followers to preoccupy themselves with what they eat, how much they eat, and when they eat is flawed in its essence.
This is because losing weight should be a natural process in which the body is not exposed to nutrition shocks. As a rule of thumb, whenever I see a diet which tells me how much protein, carbohydrates, or fats I should eat, when I should consume them and for how long, I stop reading.
I just don’t like obsessing myself with numbers and quantities every time I eat something. Instead I always prefer to advise friends and relatives that the only way to lose weight is by following your natural routine and to do it slowly, over a longer period of time. This will prevent you from causing unnecessary shocks to your body and will be more beneficial in the long run. Here are my two easy tips for losing weight this way.
Sleep for a Minimum of 8 Hours
This is an easy one to achieve or so it seems. Sleeping is starting to become a real commodity in today’s fast paced world. And it is always easy to put the blame on our hectic way of life when we try to explain why we sleep for 5 or 6 hours every night.
However, I just urge you to take a look at Bill Gates, Dalai Lama, Jeff Bezos, Mattew McConaughey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Halle Berry. These are some of the busiest people in the world and their day is certainly more hectic than yours. Unlike you tough, these seven people try to sleep for a minimum of 8 hours every day.
This means that sleep deprivation is often the result of poor time management and procrastination and not of trying to be ambitious and reach your goals. Oh, and I almost forgot, have you seen these people? They are the picture of health and sleep is their common denominator. All of them look strong, fit and healthy, and none of them is even close to being overweight.
Avoid Late Night Snacks
This one is as important as having enough sleep. This is because of the fact that everything which you put in your stomach after dark seems to turn into fat. I don’t know the science behind this, but I have seen it first hand, and trust me, all those late night kebabs and burritos wreaked havoc on my BMI in a period of only six months.
Luckily, I learned my lesson, and now I try to quench my late night hunger by indulging in some more productive activities such as reading a good book, watching a quality Netflix TV show, playing an engaging video game, and sometimes I even indulge myself by playing a casino game or two at netbet.co.uk. Anything to keep my mind occupied really.
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