A keyboard has made the writing process a lot easier, faster and more productive. But at the same time, writers who put their pens away are also avoid obstacles that make them better at this craft. There are the obstacle course and trophies at the end of the finish line.
Calligraphy Improvement
In the early days, the ability to write was considered as one of the great achievements that one could have within a society. This skill was an indicator of an intelligent person and it was worth of people’s respect. In the present era of highly intense technological development that made people use a pen not as often, the ability to write calligraphically is becoming as rare as the skill of writing itself.
Calligraphy practice not only betters your fine motor skills but also exercises and formulates such important features of the character as perseverance, discipline and patience. All of which are essential and must have tools for any writer who wants to excel.
And as a bonus, this underrated and overlooked skill will reflect the level of your professionalism to anyone who sees your writing. It will show you as a person who is dedicated to this craft. And as a result, this accuracy will make a better impression on anyone who witnesses it. Whether it will be a message to your colleague or a note to your significant other.
It Fixes Spelling and Grammar
Since writing with a pen excludes the chances of computer mistake correction, it forces you to be 100% sure in every letter and each punctuation mark you make. A habit to use a pen teaches you to not only to double check information, but also to study and remember the rules of writing once and for all. This will exclude the chances of you embarrassing yourself whenever you decide to leave someone a graphic message. And it will also start to make you more and more independent from grammar checking software.
It Teaches You to Write Briefly
As a writer who notes ideas with pen you become more conscious of your thought formulation. It pushes you to master the art of minimal sentences. And for some people that is a skill that can be hard to develop by using only a recorder or any sort of typing device. If you use a recorder you may fall into excessive rambling and using too many needless words. If you use a cellphone you are likely to get distracted with notifications. But if you use a pen you will put yourself into plenty of situations that will force you to build your thoughts as shortly and as informative as possible. Which is ultimately the best skill of keeping a reader concentrated.
About the Author: Zack Hargrove is a remote editor at college essay writing services. He is also an official member of professional stats homework squad. Many of his topics are dedicated to music, fitness, education and ways of strengthening your scientific curiosity. You can find him on Twitter @zackhargrovejr.
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